In the heart of a bustling household, nestled as the fifth child among many siblings, I found myself surrounded by the laughter and energy of a big family. With twelve grandchildren in the mix, my mother always sought unique and captivating activities to keep them engaged. It was in this vibrant setting that the spark of an idea took hold.
One day, in 2018, my stepfather decided to construct an activity wall for all the children to enjoy. The moment it stood tall, adorned with colors and interactive elements, a wave of excitement washed over the room. The children's eyes widened with wonder as they explored the captivating features of this creation.
While the activity wall brought immense joy to the little ones, it was clear that there was room for improvement. That moment became the catalyst for a new vision—to create children's toys that would capture their hearts, minds, and imaginations.
Driven by a desire to make a difference, I embarked on a mission to craft something truly extraordinary. I envisioned toys that would not only entertain but also educate and inspire. I wanted to create products that would help shape the future of children, fostering their development and unlocking their potential.
With passion as my compass, I dove into the world of toy-making. Countless hours were spent researching, designing, and refining each creation. I sought to infuse each toy with uniqueness, ensuring that they would captivate young minds and provide endless hours of joy.
In 2018, Beloved Boards was born—a company dedicated to crafting toys that would ignite the imagination and enhance children's lives. Our toys would be more than just playthings; they would be educational tools, building blocks for a brighter future.
Harijs - The Beloved boards founder